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Relevance of the Theory of Relevance: Beyond Classical Approaches to Translation: Selected Verses of the Holy Qur'an as a case study

Fayed, Atef S.
A Master of Arts thesis in Translation and Interpreting MATI (English/Arabic/English) by Atef S. Fayed entitled, "Relevance of the Theory of Relevance: Beyond Classical Approaches to Translation: Selected Verses of the Holy Qur'an as a case Study," submitted in May 2014. Thesis advisor is Dr. Ahmed Ali. Soft and hard copy available.
This thesis hypothesizes the theory of relevance in translation a comprehensive theory that may include all the strengths of previous theories and approaches and circumvent their flaws and inefficiencies. The thesis proposes an evolutionary relationship between theory of relevance in translation and other previous theories and approaches. The only weakness the theory suffers from is not finding a guidance as to help the translator adopts which assumption is meant by the addressor. An ideological perspective helps facilitate choosing the intended assumption of the translator and in turn their ideology. The field of putting theory into practice is implemented in some selected Ayahs of the Holy Qur'an as the Holy Qur'an represents a unique genre that includes a hybrid amalgam of all text types. The analysis and findings of the thesis prove the suggested hypothesis valid.
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