Al-Othman, AmaniShamayleh, AbdulrahimAhmed, Tallah Magdi Yousif2025-01-232025-01-232024-1135.232-2024.51 Master of Science thesis in Engineering Systems Management by Tallah Magdi Yousif Ahmed entitled, “Experimental design for the optimization of fuel cells polyvinylidene polymer-based membranes for better water management”, submitted in November 2024. Thesis advisor is Dr. Amani Al Othman and thesis co-advisor is Dr. Abdulrahim Shamayleh. Soft copy is available (Thesis, Completion Certificate, Approval Signatures, and AUS Archives Consent Form).en-USProton exchange membraneResponse surface methodology (RSM)Central composite design (CCD)OptimizationExperimental design for the optimization of fuel cells polyvinylidene polymer-based membranes for better water managementThesis