Jaradat, MohammadMukhopadhyay, ShayokMahfouz, Saad Eddin2024-09-262024-09-262024-0735.232-2024.37https://hdl.handle.net/11073/25630A Master of Science thesis in Mechatronics Engineering by Saad Eddin Mahfouz entitled, “Control of Unmanned Aerial Manipulator”, submitted in July 2024. Thesis advisor is Dr. Mohammad Jaradat and thesis co-advisor is Dr. Shayok Mukhopadhyay. Soft copy is available (Thesis, Completion Certificate, Approval Signatures, and AUS Archives Consent Form).en-USUnmanned Aerial ManipulatorAdaptive ControlModel Reference Adaptive ControlNoise CompensationControl of Unmanned Aerial ManipulatorThesis